  • ARHicks00
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    Re: Hello

    by ARHicks00 » Mon Sep 15, 2014 3:37 pm

    Money didn't always exist, though, and people still got things done. Money isn't what makes the world go around.

    This is just false. People are successful through advertisement PERIOD. (If they didn't use shady means) Crowfunding doesn't fund itself, you have to advertise and these days advertisement cost money in one form or another. Either I have to pay for advertisement over the internet, I have to go to comic convention to advertise my work (which means money being spent on gas, food, hotel, admissions, and a booth)

    People got loans when they didn't have money and if their project fail, they were in debt. This isn't a pull yourself up by your bootstraps project, it's whether you have man power and resource type of project. Right, now I'm advertising my own stuff through internet, but I'm to do fliers and cards. However, my success with my comic isn't just my page, but whether the group is even interest in the title. I have well design pages not even get ONE donation and poorly design pages 130% donation. (I'm not kidding either.) And I'm pretty sure these guys did the same thing I did, which is advertise until they found a group or got a following. Master P/No Limit and Wu Tang are the biggest examples of people who literally had to advertise the CRAP OUT OF THEIR STUFF and not everyone bought their tapes. Justin Bieber had to be promote by Usher in order for people to know who he is.

    Who is this friend of yours. Antoine? Get them involved. As small and as unknown as my Squatch Kick website is, if your friend found it, then they must have been actively looking for something. You need to get that person more involved.

    My team consistent of freelancers who do gigs and get paid through gigs. With that being said, they put little emphasis on advertisement because they aren't interested in the comic. They aren't doing this stuff for free and I'm sure they would not advertise this comic for free. (And yes I have asked them to advertise) I just write the comic as I said before where as they just do their jobs and move on unless rehire them. A friend who worked on the comic suggested me to this website, but before getting passed #3 and I told him the other suggestions you have because it similar to the rules comicbook creators trying to move up in the business do. Crowdfunding and advertising your comic have many of the same rules, which is advertising, presentation, and not chasing waterfalls

    Your page looks boring...

    Charles I get what you trying to do, but tough loves only works with people have potential and resources, but don't use them. I have the potential to be a great writer/creator, but not resources so this type of rhetoric falls on deaf each. Not to be a jerk, but you should be playing to my strength and making suggestions based on my situation rather than give me the "pull yourself up by your boot straps" pep talk as I have rebuttal for that, which is before you tell someone to pull themselves up by their boot straps, make sure the person is wearing boots. I know because as a former teacher, I use to give the same talk.

    OK, so start asking people. I fully relate to not having the time to learn how to do graphic design and presentations. Can you crop an image from a page of comic book art already done? If not, I can.

    You wouldn't mind making some advertisement for me than? Maybe picture the website/fundraising to people you know. Until then all I can do is make small improvements and continue advertising through school network, message boards, and create fliers/business cards using existing images with small edits. Now if you know people who will help for free fine, but you came to me being captain obvious about my project. I know it isn't doing well, but I'm trying a lot to do what I can to change it, but I don't need you to remind it sucks unless you are being a dick about. Don't assume I have these resources and I'm just sitting at computer screen like a freaking idiot thinking the money will flow in. I work minimum wage and I barely get by, but I take the extra money I make to do what I can.

    Now, I do appreciate the advice, but pep talks don't do anyone any good. Pep talks waste time unless you are planning to help this project. Don't show passion for a project you aren't interested in it. I can take criticism, but I won't sit and listen to someone using condescending rhetoric and offer no other help but point out the obvious. Now your future post involve you being a jerk then don't send me any message in private as I have enough people trying to stress me out.

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    Re: Hello

    by Charles » Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:02 pm

    ARHicks00 wrote:Now, I do appreciate the advice, but pep talks don't do anyone any good. Pep talks waste time unless you are planning to help this project. Don't show passion for a project you aren't interested in it. I can take criticism, but I won't sit and listen to someone using condescending rhetoric and offer no other help but point out the obvious. Now your future post involve you being a jerk then don't send me any message in private as I have enough people trying to stress me out.

    If you believe my comments on your project to be condescending rhetoric and of no value, then by all means, feel free to ignore them. You're entitled to your opinion, after all.

    Likewise, I'm entitled to mine.

    I invited you to this forum, for a reason. I encountered your project while browsing Kickstarter, felt that it had merit, and I thought that this forum could prove to be a boon to you, a way to get you help for your project that it so obviously was in need of.

    There's other projects that I can invest my time and energy and effort with, though. Some people even actually appreciate help.
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  • ARHicks00
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    Re: Hello

    by ARHicks00 » Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:12 pm

    Thank you for inviting me to this roast I'll make sure to notify others to stay away from asshole like you. If I need myself esteem lowered even more you'll be the first person I call on because y right now the only thing you are good at is shitting on people, not helping them. Next time can you offer some wipes so I can clean myself up.
    Dark Souls is an awesome and unforgettable comic, be one of the many to get your first issue of 2014 best comic.
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  • ctclements
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    Re: Hello

    by ctclements » Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:01 pm

    Hi, I'm new as well. Just a few things off the top of my head. One would be to put the minified link (the small one) as your link on your signature here. Having a long link pushes some away and doesn't look as clean. You can find your small link under the Embed section under your project video.

    The art looks great, but one thing I would avoid is the huge lump of art down at the bottom. Maybe you can resize these? On my 1920 x 1080p screen it's 3 whole screens worth of 3 images. That seems like a lot of screen real estate given to something that isn't even included in the purchase. We've got to hear more about the project, the team, the history, etc.

    As far as rewards, what else can you offer? You should add some signed issues (maybe even limit them to 25 or something), I also don't understand the description where it says I will get a hard copy if you reach $5000...isn't this project for $2000? If we don't hit $5000 do I just get what everyone else paid $4 for? Do you have any limited concept art you could put up for a good price? You've got to find a way to diversify your offerings. KS backers LOVE limited, collaborations. Could you offer to draw someone into a future issue? People would pay big for that if the project interests them.

    As others have said, you've got to connect with the facebook friends. You already have a good amount, 1500+, you've got to get out of your comfort zone and convert these people! My project that is running now is seeing a good amount of purchases coming from Facebook. Friends of Friends are buying it and sharing it and they bring good money with them. KS is a game of how many people you can possibly get to look at your page.

    You've also got to take criticism and improve off it. Getting offended and shutting down to listening to helpful advice will kill your company and your project. The video needs serious work. People don't want to read paragraphs of text on a video. What if you got someone with a good voice to read those lines over some of the concept art? That would be much more interesting.

    Charles has already pointed out a load more of helpful things than I have. It's your choice to either improve off it, or ignore it and be offended. Plenty of people decide to ignore advice because they are so close to their project and in denial that something could be wrong with it. If you choose to do that, you will fail. Get anyone you possibly can involved and giving feedback, don't just look for yes men, or friends that will say things just to please you, get peoples honest advice and take it.

    Good luck on the campaign, I hope you make some good changes and see success!
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  • ARHicks00
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    Re: Hello

    by ARHicks00 » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:00 pm

    1. That's the criticism I need and I will the changes as well as get rid of the video.

    2. I will omit everything Charles has said as I am familiar with his tips and advice. I wish he could have actually been of my help and moreover, learn some people skills, but that would be asking for too much. (Also not to make assumptions)

    3. Yeah I know I am looking for more groups/people who will support my cause
    Dark Souls is an awesome and unforgettable comic, be one of the many to get your first issue of 2014 best comic.
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