Hello from London, our first campaign.
  • gotalkpro
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    Hello from London, our first campaign.

    by gotalkpro » Tue Jan 09, 2018 11:40 am

    Hello everyone!

    First of all - what a shame we didn't spend more time on this forum BEFORE our first launch... Yes, we started our Kickstarter adventure with quite a spectacular failure. Right now we are learning our lesson and preparing a comeback for February/March!
    Here's the testament to our mistakes:

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/20 ... tion-gear/

    We would be very grateful for any feedback you can give!

    What we've learned so far and our mistakes (feel free to learn from us not to make them!):
    - Xmas is a quiet time on Kickstarter
    - do your homework - reach out to people at least a month before launching
    - get as much feedback as possible from forums, Youtubers etc.
    - master social media and PR - you will have lots of agencies and experts spamming you, most don't really care about your success
    - keep it simple! - rewards structure, description, graphics
    - more graphics/gif's, less text
    - prepare for hard work, don't count on organic traffic
    - don't overestimate the greatness of your idea!

    That's it for now, hopefully, in about a month we can add some DO'S to the list of DON'TS.
    Any feedback much appreciated!


    Hard at work with our first campaign!
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    Re: Hello from London, our first campaign.

    by hyperstarter » Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:37 pm

    I saw Lowkey gave you some comments, but whilst I think you've a professional looking campaign the main question for me - is how is your product uniquely different from a mobile phone.

    You should concentrate more on marketing the device, rather than the app software on the campaign page.

    Also, you're targeting a niche of CB lovers who are really into this type of product and you should be collecting emails and marketing at them BEFORE you launch.

    Best of luck with the relaunch!
    Promote your campaign today with Hyperstarter & use our free tool to identify Kickstarter page problems & fixes: https://www.hyperstarter.com/about
  • gotalkpro
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    Re: Hello from London, our first campaign.

    by gotalkpro » Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:14 pm

    Thanks for the feedback!
    So the consensus is it looks good, but the message is not very clear.
    Your question about how it is different from a mobile phone actually means we miserably failed at describing the product.
    To use a mobile phone you need phone numbers. And you can talk with, normally, one person at a time. Push to talk is an opposite, actually. Open channel means no phone numbers or usernames are needed to connect with people, and also you can talk with everyone at once (on a chosen topic based or radius based channel). Apparently, that's not clear from our description and graphics...
    As for the target - again not a clear message from us, as there's plenty of potential users - for example, millions of Waze users who would get a similar app but with 'talk' option. Or millions of Zello users who get GPS as a bonus.

    Makes sense?

    Hard at work with our first campaign!
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    Re: Hello from London, our first campaign.

    by hyperstarter » Tue Jan 09, 2018 3:58 pm

    Makes sense!

    Yes the message needs to be clearer - showing off the benefits of your product, answering questions why it's different (or better) than a mobile/skype/ or anything else which it can be compared to.

    If you're looking to relaunch, feel free to get in touch directly.
    Promote your campaign today with Hyperstarter & use our free tool to identify Kickstarter page problems & fixes: https://www.hyperstarter.com/about

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