Hello from a Kickstarter-er
  • pchidel
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    Hello from a Kickstarter-er

    by pchidel » Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:05 am

    Hi all — 
    Just introducing myself. I'm new to the forum and would like to take a greater part in the crowdfunding community!

    I have just launched my 2nd crowdfunding campaign. My first was two years ago — I had raised $13K for a horror short called 'TIL DEATH, which has since been made and delivered — and picked up a few awards, too! But I was thrilled with the whole Kickstarter connecting-with-the-fans aspect of the whole thing, and I've been dying to do another campaign since then.

    So now, I've launched a new one. It's a children's book called I AM FARTACUS! About a superhero with (ahem) farting powers. It was created by my 9-yr-old and we're working on it together. Now I HAVE to get this funded or I'm a bad dad. :) It's been fun so far, but it certainly is different than raising money for a film! A different mentality in a different fan base.

    I'd love to hear everyone's take on it, and also hear from others who have crowdfunded kids' books before. Here's the info:

    Kickstarter: http://kck.st/14yNBIv
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WeAreFartacus
    Twitter: @WeAreFartacus (or my own twitter: @pchidel)

    So that's what I'm all about. Thanks for checking it out and lending your support!

    Father of Fartacus

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