Hello, aspiring game developer here.
  • dougsymon
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    Re: Hello, aspiring game developer here.

    by dougsymon » Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:06 am

    Starting a company was a lot easier than I expected and with a good accountant a lot of the paper work isn't such a problem. Succeeding isn't so easy however. Think you've got a head start in that what you are doing is something you love and will want to do whatever. Unfortunately for me that desire went away from what I was doing so I've closed down the business.

    Now working at a games company your progress really interests me and I look forward to hearing how it goes!

  • SoftTempest
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    Re: Hello, aspiring game developer here.

    by SoftTempest » Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:25 pm

    SoftStorms also began its 2nd game with the idea of a Flappy Bird like game because my better half is a firm believer in the KISS principle. But, after seeing tons of FB (the Bird not the Book) out there, she reformulated the concept. Now, after a 5-figure budget, we hope to have at least a playable demo by mid-December, and ... Yes, Kickstarter campaign too after that. But, some Flappy Bird type games have done very well. I know Flappy witch which we considered wasn't selking in play Store but the flappy birds, cars, bees, racoons, etc., have done okay.
  • beachgames
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    Re: Hello, aspiring game developer here.

    by beachgames » Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:32 pm

    HI Jack

    I am Andy, an Austrian, living in Europa and got fascinated by kickstarter. How easy it is to get a marketplace to offer projects.

    I am not a gamer. Yes, I like to play tennis, for 5 minutes till my mouse is off the table ;).
    I got a education in Java programming, and also try to work with neural nets ... neuroph....

    Working together?
    Yes, for the moment I have lot of time.
    In exchange I need one person, who can create a project at kickstart.
    My country is not in the list of countries, where people can use kickstart.

    What i need:
    ...the kickstart project creation :)
    What its about:
    An investment of about 500 US Dollar for mining hardware.


    Back to the programming. Do you have projects, you are thinking about? Which language are you using.

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  • 02geek
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    Re: Hello, aspiring game developer here.

    by 02geek » Sun Oct 12, 2014 5:04 pm

    Well if I'm not to late that's what i do i teach people how to animate, build games , program and all that fun stuff.
    my KS is all about that as well so it might be your gateway drug into building really fun interactive things. ;)
  • listic
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    Re: Hello, aspiring game developer here.

    by listic » Sun Oct 12, 2014 7:32 pm

    Hi Ben!

    I might use a way to learn animation for the web, especially if I'll learn Javascript in the process.

    I watched a Kickstarter video to learn who that bunny character is - tough luck. Why the bunny?
  • 02geek
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    Re: Hello, aspiring game developer here.

    by 02geek » Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:38 am

    I get that a lot :) a few years ago when i opened 02geek.com i didn't want to be the face of everything but i wanted to have something memorable and easy to notice so who ever knows our brand could recognize it no mater in what scenario.

    A rabbit i think in my head is fast, forward, modern some use rabbits to depict "sexy" now put on glasses on him and he is smart but not to geeky no matter what you do. ii just seemed like the right idea. :) if that rabbit made you click on play that's a good thing i think :P most of the times we get compliments for our rabbits as they help us add a "silly" side to a heavy geeky topic. my rabbits can do many things that i can't do and their cuter :)

    that's the idea by the way instead of focusing on the learning aspect of the programing it will be mixed into the process of learning to create animations. that way the learning part of the JS will be much easier as you will be all buzzed up about creating really cool animations. :)

    by the way why "tough luck" ? what did you think about the video by the way? any tips on how to improve it as it sounds like you're the guy i'm trying to sell to this course so any feedback would be welcomed. ;)
  • bsenftner
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    Re: Hello, aspiring game developer here.

    by bsenftner » Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:52 pm

    Hello @JackT1977, @SoftTempest, @PlayBetterWorld and everyone else in this thread,

    I'm Blake, and I'm a veteran games developer. In fact, I was on the operating system teams of both the 3DO console and the original Sony Playstation. I started in the games biz way back in 1982 as a 17 year old developing and selling Vic-20 and C-64 games through Sears and K-Mart. I've been team or lead on over 36 different interactive media titles (not all games, about 13 of them were interactive documentaries.) I've also been a VFX developer, digital artist and VFX analysis for 9 major release feature films.


    I've been developing a 3D graphics and animation technology that I am now marketing to both game developers and consumers. I am the founder of the 3D Avatar Store (http://www.3D-Avatar-Store.com) and we have neural net powered 3D Reconstruction technology, available as a WebAPI super-duper cheap to game developers. Our WebAPI enables your games to include user photo 3D Reconstructions such as a lip syncing, performance ready 3D Avatar looking just like the user's uploaded photo.

    This is sorta like EA's GameFace, only IMHO much better. For example, we can retrain our neural nets to any geometry format - enabling existing games to incorporate our technology without changing their current geometries, and a new 3D Avatar only requires 0.4 seconds to be created. Using our system within an indie game, meaning starting with a low volume of created 3D Avatars, starts around $0.08 (eight cents!) per 3D Avatar.

    I also have a live Kickstarter campaign going to support further development of a consumer level 3D Avatar animation editor. Check out our site and here's a link to our campaign: http://kck.st/10Pn4pQ Maybe you'll find it useful for your projects.
  • JackT1977
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    Re: Hello, aspiring game developer here.

    by JackT1977 » Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:18 am

    It looks to be an exciting time in the mobile gaming community. It seems like I always meet people either in or looking to get in the industry. Thanks for the support everyone and I will def take a look at all the resources listed.
  • TSIGames
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    Re: Hello, aspiring game developer here.

    by TSIGames » Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:36 pm

    Plenty of great tips on these boards. You're doing the right thing by getting advice and building awareness early. Nothing worse than having a good campaign and nothing but crickets on Day 1. Try to find build a following or other press/developers that can give your concept a boost.

    Best of luck getting started!
  • FireFlies&Butter
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    Re: Hello, aspiring game developer here.

    by FireFlies&Butter » Sat Oct 18, 2014 12:18 pm

    Good luck brother!

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