Hello and THANK YOU
  • andyoomph
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    Hello and THANK YOU

    by andyoomph » Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:45 am

    Hey Everyone

    I wanted to pop by and say Thank You to everyone on the forum, it really is an invaluable source of information and archive of amazing projects & stories. :D

    We're currently funding on KickStarter and have started our second phase push, which over the past day or so has seen a new 10% increase in funding (more than the entire of last week combined). We are now two weeks and 1 day into the campaign, it went amazingly well week one then quickly slowed.

    Yesterday we revamped the campaign page and imagery around the campaign to bring it up to date with our targeting and clean up our messaging.

    I won't link to it, its in my sig - but please do pay a visit and let me know what you think.

    In the mean time, between emails and social media I will be trying to get the most out of the forum and feeding back in things we've learnt.

    Have a great day

    Currently Funding on KickStarter Oomph the Portable Coffee Maker

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