Thank you so much!!!! ... 483#/storyWhether their family had passed out, moved on, moved away, they had lost their friends or were immobile they all had something in common. They were lonely. One gentleman asked me during a healthy living talk in my residential home if I had a pill for loneliness. It broke my heart!
cant just sit back and do nothing.
At present funding is low/not present at the council and I feel like someone has to do something to help people who are feeling rather neglected and at times lonely in this area. I've already looked into arranging basic exercises and tai chi for them but I'm also looking into anything to do with the arts/crafts/music quiz world. Film afternoons. Bingo evenings. Days out, you name it I want to do it.
I want the opportunity to arrange some group activities on a regular basis. To put a smile on all their faces. To keep them healthy with tai chi, exercises and yoga.
I want the opportunity to give up more of my time to do more healthy living talks.
We are all going to get old and it breaks my heart to see people neglected in a social sense like this. Im a pharmacist because I care about my fellow human. I hope you can help me on my journey.