@cineik - Confused about what you are referring to regarding "logging in". CrowdCrux is a blog?
@rahulcoolrulz - The link "http://igg.me/at/myskydivedubai" brings me to the Indiegogo homepage?
@MusicAngelsUK - Added you to the queue to be tweeted out.
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@Buddha_Traveler - Added you to the queue to be tweeted out.
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@Jyrobike - Added you to the queue to be tweeted out.
@thecreatables - Added you to the queue to be tweeted out.
@idanerez - Added you to the queue to be tweeted out.
@LauraBrownOjeda - Added you to the queue to be tweeted out.
@MiPowInc - Added you to the queue to be tweeted out.
If you've found the blog to be helpful, can you please support us on Thunderclap (Free). We have 4 days left in our campaign.
http://thunderclap.it/projects/12663-he ... rs-succeed