Finally living the life of your dreams!!
  • profitdr123
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    Finally living the life of your dreams!!

    by profitdr123 » Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:07 pm

    I don't know about you but I have been trying the 'Law of Attraction' for years and still have not received what I asked the universe for. I have bought many programs including ebooks, videos, and audios on the subject but it still has not worked for me, until now!!

    I am a very visual person, as is most people, and when I listen to an audio or watch a video, it gives me sessions that I am supposed to meditate. But being a visual person I have a hard time 'seeing' what I want in my meditations.

    But I finally got fed up with all this and had an epiphany, a light showing me the answer!! FINALLY!!

    It is taking my problems and turning it into my solutions. I want to create a Kickstarter campaign on creating videos of peoples dreams as if they are actually in them.

    My first dream is to own a Yellow Corvette Convertible and I found a video from the driver’s point of view of driving the car. MY JUICES WERE FLOWING!! And I got really excited. This is an example of the videos I want to create for people.

    I've already starting developing this project and think it has the makings of creating lots of backers.

    What do you think about this project?

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