Feedback on our BOT integration
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    Feedback on our BOT integration

    by RFIDsecur » Fri Jul 06, 2018 2:09 pm

    Hi Forum,

    We're planning our latest KS campaign for a new a card wallet. We'd love feedback on our chat bot which is designed to engage with information on our product, an explainer on KS and the campaign. We have tried to handle engagement from previous KS backers, as well as Complete novices to KS.

    Before we drive traffic to it we'd be grateful for your interactions with it and if you find the wallet of interest.
    The chat bot can be found either on our Facebook page or search in Messenger for RFID Cloaked or on our website links below:

    Has anyone else used a chat bot? Did you get good results, has anyone got any tips to do with chat bots.
    We have created this with Chatfuel. Thanks for any help and would love to hear your feedback.

    If it works for enough of you then we would consider making a template of it so that you can make use of it it for your own campaign, taking in to account and feedback we receive, positive or otherwise!

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    Re: Feedback on our BOT integration

    by Cristina » Mon Jul 09, 2018 7:19 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
    Forum Moderator.
    Site Owner: Salvador Briggman

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