F3: Ferocious Femme Fatale Kickstarter Campaign
  • RashawnStrife
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    F3: Ferocious Femme Fatale Kickstarter Campaign

    by RashawnStrife » Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:08 pm

    Hi, everyone. Today has been a week since I've launched Kickstarter to crowdfund one million dollars or more to produce my award winning martial arts screenplay into a kickass movie, "F3: Ferocious Femme Fatale". As of now, F3 raised $191. I'm shocked the campaign has started out so slow. It's an action movie about a women's exclusive martial arts tournament with a huge diverse cast. The five leads are all women, who are black, Asian, mixed, Hispanic, and one character is a lesbian, and does not hide the fact that she is, either. The characters will be cast by REAL martial artists who do their own stunts. This movie will not feature fancy, fast-pace editing where it will cut from the real actor to their stunt double, then back to the real actor tricking you into believe the real actor is a badass. This movie will not have stunt doubles. I'm still optimistic this campaign will reach it's goal before May 3rd.

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ra ... mme-fatale

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    Re: F3: Ferocious Femme Fatale Kickstarter Campaign

    by hyperstarter » Wed Apr 12, 2017 2:00 am

    Hmm, I'm pretty sure you won't reach the goal based on what you're doing currently - $200 raised and you're reaching for $1 million.

    In terms of what is going wrong... I think first thing, $25 to get the film is a huge amount. Then other tiers which add on tshirts, posters etc., doesn't make much sense to me.

    I'm not sure people are interested in this type of thing. It seems you targeted a broad base but isn't your target audience men, the UFC type guys who like watching this type of thing? 1 million is alot to ask, as you'd need to show a breakdown of who's directing it (their experience, awards etc.,), how the funds will be spent and how you can guarantee it'll deliver.

    Best of luck with any future Kickstarter's.
    Promote your campaign today with Hyperstarter & use our free tool to identify Kickstarter page problems & fixes: https://www.hyperstarter.com/about
  • RashawnStrife
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    Re: F3: Ferocious Femme Fatale Kickstarter Campaign

    by RashawnStrife » Wed Apr 12, 2017 7:00 am

    Hello. Thanks for your reply. I broke the script down, and concluded $900K is the bare minimum to shoot the script as written. When dealing with labor unions, it's next to impossible to do it for less. I thought about asking for less for seed money, but then what would the backers get in return? I shot a short film, "F3: Kelly Vs. Sarah" a prelude to "F3: Ferocious Femme Fatale" with nonunion actors and crew. That cost $4,000 out of my own pocket! One day of rehearsal, two days of shooting. Before I decided to join Kickstarter, I concluded I may have a 20% chance of funding if I'm the only one promoting it. I'm still optimistic I'll make my budget in the next 21 days. Word about this project has not reached over one million people yet. If the campaign fails, I will find funding another way such as going on deployment with my unit.
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    Re: F3: Ferocious Femme Fatale Kickstarter Campaign

    by Cristina » Mon Apr 17, 2017 6:07 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
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