Every dollar counts? (Challenge)
  • aknicholas
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    Every dollar counts? (Challenge)

    by aknicholas » Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:04 pm

    I see so many Kickstarter creators saying "Even one dollar helps" but I don't believe this is true. Are they just naive? Is there some disinformation or misconception being circulated? Or am I missing something?

    Here is my challenge. Find me a finished campaign where $1 pledges were significant. Let's say 1% of funding. Campaigns under $1,000 don't count, that would be $10. Joke campaigns don't count either so don't show me Potato Salad that raised 3% through $1 pledges. Has anyone ever seen a business run a campaign that has raised a significant amount with $1 pledges?

    I think the phrase "even $1 will help" makes a business look desparate. What are your opinions? Are you going to use this phrase on your next campaign?

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