Do you need a free help? I'm here for you!
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    Do you need a free help? I'm here for you!

    by SystHub » Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:39 pm

    I help very small startups and crowdfundings that try to be funded for less than 15K.

    We provide free services that are worth approximately $200-$250 per month when purchased at market price through agencies.

    • Growth on Autopilot
    Create automatic social media posts using our targeted algorithm to generate content with high engagement.

    • Go Viral
    Distribute your press release to more than 250 thousand media outlets’ newsrooms with just a few clicks to drive attention to your startup.

    • Press Release Distribution
    Distribute your press release to more than 250 thousand media outlets’ newsrooms with just a few clicks to drive attention to your startup.

    • We Send Your Pitch
    We use artificial intelligence to send your pitch to interested journalists, influencers, and investors without spamming.

    • Smart Pitches
    Contribute to journalists’ and bloggers’ upcoming stories for a chance to get your project mentioned in their article.

    • Referral Campaign
    Attract new subscribers with exciting content and rewards.

    • Grow Up on Blogs and Forums
    Build your reputation by engaging in blogs, and watch your engagements grow.

    • Our Karma
    We use an algorithm to monitor the various projects on our site. If we see a project we believe in, we may send you an e-mail...

    Crowdfunding platforms bring you about 10% (25% if you are lucky) of backers — all the rest is up to you.
    I learned some years ago that:
    Never start a crowdfunding without having a good audience.

    S Y S T H U B
    we help crowdfundings for free

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