Crowd PR Case Studies
  • ChasingThatGold
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    Re: Crowd PR Sales Force

    by ChasingThatGold » Mon Apr 09, 2018 4:36 pm

    Cause for concern here everyone:

    WookieWantsFunding wrote:When you hit that launch button on kickstarter or indiegogo, chances are that you will get a message from a public relations agency called “Crowd PR”. This post contains information about them, as well as evidence regarding their effectiveness (or lack thereof).

    Let’s start with the basics:

    PR is a popular way to market a crowdfunding campaign. There’s nothing sweeter than landing big coverage in media outlets online. But is it too good to be true? Yes, especially if you have a small product - keep it real, no one is going to want to write about something that isn’t awesome. And here is where the problem comes into play regarding Crowd PR and other marketing agencies.

    How to play it smart:

    The obvious answer here is just not to do a crowdfunding project all together. That way you minimize all risk. But if you insist on it, you need to know that you will be taking a risk on any agency that you hire. Plain and Simple. Keeping that in mind, you need to be smart with who you hire. Look for agencies that specialize in similar types of products. Experience with something close to your campaign is the best bet to make.

    Chasing That Gold I've created 3 projects and counting...
  • Ray.Trentson
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    Re: Crowd PR Case Studies

    by Ray.Trentson » Mon Apr 09, 2018 4:39 pm

    I am in agreement with this. I have reported them to kickstarter, since cold sales outreach is in clear violation of the law. I have yet to hear back from the team, but I am sure they will be destroyed.

    ChasingThatGold wrote:These allegations are true, do not be deceived. They are an unholy order sent here to persecute us. Beware.

    mike420blazed247 wrote:There has been allegations in our community that Crowd PR has no real case studies. Today, I will investigate this matter, and provide actionable information to support my fellow members to lend a hand on their decision on hiring this marketing public relations firm. We remain vigilante.

    First, let us look through the case studies provided on their website: I submit exhibit A for consideration:

    Crowd PR.png

    As counsel, I clearly state that this case study is not verifiable. The MyMug kickstarter campaign was hacked by the publicists at this firm, and they placed their collaborator badge on it. They now control the whole crowdfunding platform! My instincts has told me this was true, I prayed on it, and it was laid upon my heart that this allegation is truth. When it comes to business (and not personal matters) it is guilty until proven innocent.
  • Ray.Trentson
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    Re: review

    by Ray.Trentson » Mon Apr 09, 2018 4:40 pm

    Wanting to give this a bump.

    Whenever you hire any sort of marketing agency, you can guarantee that you will never see a return on that. Wake up people! Marketing is not a good way to get backers. It's high time creators learn this, so we quit seeing posts about losses in the community watch here.

    ChasingThatGold wrote:The matter will never be resolved. When you work wit them, you risk your very life. They will take your life away from you, stay clear people.

    BigBoJackson wrote:We are now in touch with Crowd PR to resolve this matter, and are asking for a formal apology. Have we worked with them? No. I find their facebook page highly offensive, as is their twitter page. What can we do to get these guys shut down?

    I propose a summit of fellow crowdfunding community members. We will hold court and convict them of their crimes and dole out the punishment. Our membership here is strong, and if we unite together I just know we can do it. review.png

    These are the single most important factor when it comes to picking the right marketing partner. Reference checks are not of value. What matters most is what the community as a whole thinks of an agency. Without these, we are left in darkness. Reviews are what shed light on how effective someone is. You can’t believe past clients, never fall for that trap.
  • Dieddly1936
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    Re: Crowd PR Case Studies

    by Dieddly1936 » Mon May 02, 2022 5:38 am

    Case studies can be found in the domains of public relations, business, law, and marketing, and they provide insight into best practices and strategies essay help online They demonstrate the scope of work completed for a certain client in order to improve their image and reputation. Case studies can be qualitative or quantitative, and they frequently blend the two.
  • Dieddly1936
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    Re: Crowd PR Case Studies

    by Dieddly1936 » Thu Dec 29, 2022 5:05 am

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