Concerts Across the Country
  • concertscrosscountry
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    Concerts Across the Country

    by concertscrosscountry » Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:07 pm

    So I started a campaign. Here is the press release I typed up:

    Justin Landers
    March 9, 2015
    Orlando, Florida
    Concerts Across The Country

    Justin Landers is a Concert photographer, and landscape enthusiast. An artist with a wide variety of cameras. He loves traveling, visiting new places, seeing the world. He loves seeing new band’s perform, at different venues, under different lighting. He loves to see different groups come on stage. The challenge of capturing that brief moment of unique individual creativity released by the band is uplifting as he attempts to harness that moment in time.

    The challenge of being awake for that sunrise, with the camera on the tripod as the sun gleams over the mountain-all to capture that moment of beauty. To savor that moment. That moment when the sun finally sets against the coast and you use that last little light to bring out the stunning colors in the sky. That season of fall, the colors red that moment of peace as the leaves begin to fall. To capture all of that through a lens, and share breathe taking views that will make you feel like you are there! THAT is the goal!

    All of these moment’s are Justin’s passion, and he desires to bring them to you. He has covered a list of bands stretching wide and deep in all aspects of music from hip hop and rap to rock, country, jazz, indie, electronic and more. He has shot sunrises, sunsets, the grand canyon, and more, but he is always seeking more, looking for the next adventure.

    He wants to travel full time-to see the whole country. To do so a Rv style conversion van will be purchased and used to travel the country shooting as many bands as possible and as much landscape as possible, and bringing it to the masses. To help you see what you miss when you don’t go beyond your city, to help show you the world has so much to offer, and to bring you a nice solid collection of images that capture beauty and make you stop in awe. Something that no amount of money can buy, but something that you can help provide to yourself, and hundreds of thousands of other people. Find out how below:

    A Indiegogo project has been launched in order to allow the funds necessary to make traveling a full time journey-the start up costs-buying a vehicle, setting it up to live in, to travel the country, shooting these landscape images, as well as these concerts, capturing those moments.

    Below are some words from Justin regarding the trip and how funds will be used.

    “You can’t get anything for free” Is a very true statement and I believe in that. That is why I am not asking you to donate money, but rather to make a purchase. Consider it a “perk” if you will of showing good faith in me. There are many items available as a perk including post cards from different cities either bought in store, or created from images I myself took, or you can get a photo book of concerts or landscape images that I already have, or will have after this trip! The landscape photo book will feature images from all the states I visit-there is beauty everywhere, we just have to look!

    I will be spending sometimes days or weeks on the road, and that requires power, which is going to require solar panels, and some batteries. I will also have to have food for the trip which requires a fridge…which run’s off the solar panels and batteries. Gas for the trip is also a necessity. Van’s take a good amount of gas, and do not get the best gas mileage, averaging 15-20 MPH. The reward is worth it, the ability to sit in the back of an RV under an awning shade with my camera on a tripod shooting a long exposure star trail photo 2 hours away from the civilization I just left from capturing a concert earlier that day will take away your breathe when you see the images-go look at what I have already captured!

    I have a facebook page set up that you can “like” which will allow you to track me on this amazing incredible journey, along with an instagram account, but most importantly I NEED YOUR HELP so please visit that Indiegogo link (The one) and donate. ANYTHING helps.

    Follow me on Instagram @Jsl_Photograph for tour adventures for all my other photography work To help support me on this journey around the country and to help bring beauty to everyone everywhere.

    Perks start at just 2$-even the smallest donation get’s something! NOTHING is free. Thank you all for your support, and please let me know what city/state you are in, I would love to meet you all personally or visit! You can contact me at any of the facebook sites above!

    *For 7,500$ you can join me on this trip for as long as you wish. This will cover your ride, your food and your sleeping location. Please note you will be living in a space approximately the size of two bathrooms and sleeping in a twin bed. ” -Justin S Landers

    Hopefully this works out, This is literally my dreams chance at becoming a reality.

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    Re: Concerts Across the Country

    by Cristina » Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:51 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
    Forum Moderator.
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  • DianaGibson90oXM
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    Re: Concerts Across the Country

    by DianaGibson90oXM » Wed Jan 13, 2021 4:23 pm

    I need such a photographer for organizing an event I'm already planning
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    Re: Concerts Across the Country

    by LeslieBShaw » Wed Jan 13, 2021 4:29 pm

    omg, I'm also planning an event for this coming spring, however I'm hoping that all these restrictions will be over already when the even is planned to take place. Moreover, I've ordered already s very special stage and sound music services from The only thing is to invite our close people and wait for this event to happen. I'm really proud of all the equipment I have ordered and all decorations I have already made, it will be the best day of my life because it will be my wedding day!

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