Clunker - A Shithead Noir - "Always Sunny" meets "Columbo"
  • ClunkerPI
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    Clunker - A Shithead Noir - "Always Sunny" meets "Columbo"

    by ClunkerPI » Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:40 am

    Hi, guys. This is a shameless plug for my Kickstarter.

    It's for a comedy/mystery TV pilot. I'm a stand up comedian who has appeared on Comedy Central, FOX TV, and Sirius XM. I'm tired of waiting around for someone else to make a pilot for me, so I'm doing it myself!

    It's about Robert Clunker, the world's worst private eye. He takes the cases that are so scummy and poorly paying that other detective won't even consider them.

    Please check out the Kickstarter at ... umbag-noir. If you can, please consider giving it a dollar or two. And please consider sharing the Kickstarter link on your Facebook and Twitter page.

    Thank you so much!

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