by Charles » Wed Aug 20, 2014 10:15 pm
You have a great project image - but, the white of the truck gets washed out in the smaller version of the project image, so the visual impact is less.
I loaded the project page, and your project image immediately caught my eye. I took the visual bait, and clicked on the play button for your video.
I watched the entire video. I think that the action scenes, particularly, look great, but nothing about the video is terrible. The video is fairly long, at a tad over five minutes.'s interesting.
I finished watching the video, and without even scrolling down your project page, I became your third backer. I'm only in for $10 - but, I don't do large pledges, so the amount of my pledge should not be interpreted as diminished interest in this film.
What I saw in that project video is more interesting than the vast majority of movie trailers that come out of Hollywood. One small moment in the film reminded me of a Jason Bourne scene - the hand action, not because of a huge Bourne-esque fight scene.
Get your project video in front of enough eyes, and it, alone, will sell people on this project.
Your visual dividers, those photographs, look good. I don't care for the part on the left side of some of them, the image that you use behind the money amount. That could be greatly improved upon. But, I'm already sold on this project.
By and large, I usually don't really care much about rewards offered by Kickstarter projects. But, this one, you're damned right that I want to see this film. Most movies that I see at the theater, when I even bother to go, anymore, turn out to be a waste of money. This film, right here, is easily worth the ten bucks that I am pledging. I definitely want THIS reward!