Breathe2 App for iPhone on Kickstarter
  • Breathe2
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    Breathe2 App for iPhone on Kickstarter

    by Breathe2 » Thu Jan 10, 2019 10:09 pm

    Hi there,

    our journey on Kickstarter is already coming to an end. Like many, I assume we have had a naiv start into this crowdfunding venture and with little time to go we discover tricks, hacks and ways that we should have considered before starting the campaign. However, failure is nothing we are scared of, it has been a great experience and fun!

    We want to enable more people to perform breathing exercise for free and hereby make life a tiny bit healthier than before. We are very well aware that a lot of competition out there, but we have three USPs.
    - best UI with beautiful design and amazing individual functionality (create workouts to match your individual needs)
    - the app will stay free forever (no paid app, no subscription model, no ads, complete data privacy)
    - focus on the performance side of breathing workouts & transfer of breathing technique into running (no other apps has that focus)

    Any comment, recommendation, support is appreciated. Like stated above, it has been a great experience, regardless if we can close the gap within the remaining days or not.

    Cheers from Berlin, Germany
    Kai for the Breathe2 Team

    We want to enable more people to perform breathing exercise for free and hereby make life a tiny bit healthier than before. Breathe2 on Kickstarter
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    Re: Breathe2 App for iPhone on Kickstarter

    by Cristina » Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:12 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
    Forum Moderator.
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