A Mixtape for the Rapid Evolution of Human Consciousness
  • Uncle Spaceman
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    A Mixtape for the Rapid Evolution of Human Consciousness

    by Uncle Spaceman » Thu Sep 21, 2017 7:35 am

    sooo as I posted this on sticky thread I realized it should be here because it really sums up my main motivation for this project i probably should put more of this on my actual kickstarter campaign but I sort of made it on a whim, which now I'm learning is NOT the move. I thought since my project was only 3k it wouldn't be too hard... but all my friends are broke, my family although encouraging just tell me to get a job... i suppose they don't understand how daily work halts creativity.

    My dream is to save the world. I suppose that's because it needs it, and I'm willing to die trying if need be... although I'm sure it'll all work out once we all work together... so how do I plan to achieve this? Well with a successful kickstarter campaign https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/un ... nav_search my mixtape will be finished, then the plan is get just enough "rap money" to purchase an old dilapidating church and transform it into a music venue/ creative space... once we have the space and our non-profit status we will start writing grants for sound, classrooms, rooftop greenhouse where we grow organic produce to give away to a community that has almost no access to good food. we will have classes on every type of creation for free dance, glass, woodworking, painting, theatre etc.... then once we are accredited and all that good stuff we will open them around the world in the places that need positive change the most... and start saving the world. thats my dream! I hope it works... one more time heres my jumping off point

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/un ... nav_search

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