Thanks. The problem with the following: "Crowdcrux's Review of the 9 Best Kickstarter Marketing Agencies and connect with these companies." is that it includes FundedToday, and I'm wary of them for multiple reasons. One, they were caught by Indiegogo inflating their numbers and had to change them ( ... 11414.html). And two, I listen to their podcast, and when I hear Zach make comments like "Facebook has 4 to 5 Billion users", it makes me question his own understanding of reality, and he's a founder! Facebook has less than half of that.
Rainfactory isn't on the list, but a company my investor partner has invested in raised $1.6m with them (search for Park and Diamond on Indiegogo), so I know firsthand they've done some good work. I'm also curious about Tross. It's a hard question to solve, to figure out who will do the best job. So it's great when people can share their experiences here.