A fundraiser is a full time job
  • tristannyc
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    A fundraiser is a full time job

    by tristannyc » Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:03 am

    I never realized how much work a kickstarter campaign would be. Since I started this I have dreamt of emailing people, tweeting, and how to post updates everyday on every social media outlet I own. I have mastered 50 types of emails to propose to people and felt like a door to door salesman at times but the crux was my good were my skills. So instead of trying to meet quota I was trying to prove I was worth it. It can get very draining but it can also be exhilarating.

    Plan plan plan! Look up all resources online, use this forum, read as much as you can. Trust me everyone has thought of what to do before.

    I look forward to seeing if I get fully funded but so far it has been a truly amazing trip.

    Not to mention I got an outreach of over 650 actors applying for my one role! It is also great to know some people you didn't think cared, do enough to invest in you.

    Romance in NYC - A Short film shot ENTIRELY on the iPhone 6: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... ne/backers
  • Eteka
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    Re: A fundraiser is a full time job

    by Eteka » Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:33 am

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    Re: A fundraiser is a full time job

    by nixiart » Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:35 pm

    I'm starting my launch next week and I can already tell that it's going to be a lot of work. I like your iPhone movie, good luck on your campaign.
  • hisham02479
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    Re: A fundraiser is a full time job

    by hisham02479 » Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:47 am

    I couldn't agree more! My team and I thought that a kickstarter campaign shouldn't be too much work but BOY WERE WE WRONG!! Even now we're trying hard to plug the leaks and basically get the word out on our campaign! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/12 ... t-da-blank

    On a side note, I think your campaign is AWESOME!! I love the idea of making a movie with just a phone! It speaks to all of us that really anyone can make a movie if they really set their mind to it and just get started! I hope your campaign gets fully funded, all the best friend!
  • ddreher
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    Re: A fundraiser is a full time job

    by ddreher » Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:17 am

    Anyone looking to do a Kickstarter or crowd funding project should definitely prepare for the workload.
    I work full time as does my partner. We would easily spend 4-6 hours a night on various To-Do lists, research, preparation.
    Plan. Plan.Plan. The better you think out your plan, the better you will be, but keep in mind that you will indeed spend several hours daily/weekly getting ready. The day of launch, I took off the day from work, and i'm glad i did. It was hectic, we were actively emailing, tweeting, posting on FB, forums, etc.
    My project is still going on, and we're still spending time daily keeping the word out there and making sure the project has life.
    It is definitely not a sit back and watch it all happen scenario.
  • herc2014
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    Re: A fundraiser is a full time job

    by herc2014 » Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:07 pm

    Your right, when i started to create my idea for the project, i thought id be done in a week etc. 6 weeks into it and still ploughin the field, and still not submitted it yet. The campaign page alone takes time, arranging rearranging , then you wait on others to get back to you re stuff there doing , times ticks, along side this you have all the support side of it to prepare so ur ready when you launch , i think I'm going to take the day off too when i submit it to go live. H
  • herc2014
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    Re: A fundraiser is a full time job

    by herc2014 » Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:08 pm

    Your right, when i started to create my idea for the project, i thought id be done in a week etc. 6 weeks into it and still ploughin the field, and still not submitted it yet. The campaign page alone takes time, arranging rearranging , then you wait on others to get back to you re stuff there doing , times ticks, along side this you have all the support side of it to prepare so ur ready when you launch , i think I'm going to take the day off too when i submit it to go live. H
  • Eddyster
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    Re: A fundraiser is a full time job

    by Eddyster » Fri Nov 28, 2014 4:46 pm

    Like any fundraiser would be - I think you hit the nail on the head.

    It is ACTUALLY a full time job. You can tell from the swathes of advertising firms who contact you immediately after launch. Clearly some people are made for promotion, some people for creativity. Doing it all yourself is hugely time consuming, but sometimes the only option, and takes many hours of everyday in self promotion. All the while trying to create the product you're fundraising for!
  • professorbuzzkill
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    Re: A fundraiser is a full time job

    by professorbuzzkill » Fri Nov 28, 2014 4:52 pm

    What do you folks think of these companies that email you that claim to be able to boost traffic to your project? Are some of them legit and worth the cost? Are some of them scams? -- Professor Buzzkill.
    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/73 ... r-buzzkill
  • cinemalover007
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    Re: A fundraiser is a full time job

    by cinemalover007 » Sat Nov 29, 2014 9:00 am

    What was the most challenging aspect of your kickstarter? Is it still live? How did you promote it?
    The reason why I ask Is my kickstarter is live and it has been a challenge trying to gain support.


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