A Children's Book For Conservation - Needs Support
  • collaredkeeper
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    A Children's Book For Conservation - Needs Support

    by collaredkeeper » Wed May 15, 2013 11:28 pm

    Hello Everyone,

    "A Crocodile Named Tom" is an educational children's book that I wrote to help address awareness for an endangered species of crocodile called the Tomistoma (Tomistoma schlegelii).

    The children's book tells the story of Tom, a small Tomistoma crocodile, who becomes lost and has to find his way back home. On his journey home, he has to overcome many challenges, meet new friends, and learn important life lessons. The story is fun, engaging, and heartfelt and helps relate people to important issues regarding the conservation of endangered animals like the Tomistoma. The story also helps relate readers to the unique animals, environment, and people of Sarawak Malaysia.

    The storybook is 43 pages long, with a few sentences on each page, and is developed for young children and family reading. The storybook is also entirely unique in many different ways and will hopefully play an important part in modern conservation efforts for the species.

    I wanted to mention a children's book that I authored that is planned to be printed in July of this year. I am sharing this not for personal accolade or to promote our nonprofit/website, but because the story has a very important purpose, which is aimed at helping to teach our youth the importance of the conservation of our animals and environment.

    I am not very great at getting the word out about the book, so if there is any potential for you to help share the book to those you know who may be interested, it would be a huge help in making the book a success.

    You can read all about the book, it's purpose, and ways you can help/pledge at http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tom ... or-conserv

    Thanks everyone and have a great rest of your week!
    Anthony Pine


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