80's storytelling rocks!
  • AprilDawn
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    80's storytelling rocks!

    by AprilDawn » Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:09 am

    Hello fellow Kickstarter creators and backers!

    I hope your projects and projects-you-back are going well for you! This whole process can be overwhelming and downright intimidating at times. I have found myself a social media zombie more than once, wandering around muttering "bbbbllllloooooooogggggssss..." while family members and friends cast concerned looks my way. Let me encourage you to not lose heart. The fact that you're here, that you support or have even created a kickstarter project at all, means that you are supporting others' dreams or following your own...and that takes courage! Pat yourself on the back, because you are doing something good in this world.

    Meanwhile, I will continue to flounder in the tumultuous sea of social media, tossed and turned until I don't know which way is which, hoping that someone will hear my pleas. :D If any of you are curious as to what in the world my kickstarter project is about, please feel free to visit and give me feedback: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/121 ... nchantment

    with great respect,
    April Dawn

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