70% First Day, but one small easy mistake I made
  • StephenCroft
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    70% First Day, but one small easy mistake I made

    by StephenCroft » Sat Feb 06, 2016 7:07 am

    Hello everyone,
    I just launched my first campaign yesterday. FLAT PACK FRAME.

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/st ... ory_newest

    We had a great Day One but I wanted to share with you one little mistake I made that I have learnt for next time.

    When I look at my Referrers in the Creator Dashboard, 68% are from External referrers and 32% from the Kickstarter platform. I believe this has negatively affected my rank in the popularity algorithm as Kickstarter see this as family, friends & media (which I had worked so hard to get), rather than the Kickstarter community interested in my product.

    If I had my time again, I would get my pre-organised backers to:
    1. Go to the kickstarter homepage.
    2. Click Design -> Newest.
    3. Click my project and back it using this process.

    Instead of...

    Emailing them the direct link / Posting link to Facebook.

    Anyway, family & friends are done and now genuine Kickstarters are starting to back us. Yay!

    You could also try giving them the link with ?ref+category-newsest to make it seem like the backer is from Kickstarter.

    Hope this helps. I'm all for giving.
    Please take a look at my project too. It's an innovative new magnetic picture frame with a really smart self levelling mounting system.
    I'd be happy to return any support.

    Steve from FLAT PACK FRAME

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    Re: 70% First Day, but one small easy mistake I made

    by hyperstarter » Sat Feb 06, 2016 7:24 am

    Hi Stephen I think we were in touch before (Gifts&Coupons), congrats on your success.

    The point you raised is interesting. Direct links Vs Kickstarter based links may actually affect your ranking or might of been bad luck. As Kickstarter check alot of projects by hand they might of promoted others and demoted yours?

    Not sure if you're taking comments about your page, but no Twitter?
    Promote your campaign today with Hyperstarter & use our free tool to identify Kickstarter page problems & fixes: https://www.hyperstarter.com/about
  • StephenCroft
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    Re: 70% First Day, but one small easy mistake I made

    by StephenCroft » Sat Feb 06, 2016 7:35 am

    Hi hyperstarter. I do remember you.

    Yes, you are right they have promoted other projects over mine. Its a bit disapointing as my product is quite new and innovative. We have spent months developing it and have patented the system, however i can be bitter, just work harder.

    I didn't quite understand what you meant by comments & twitter.
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    Re: 70% First Day, but one small easy mistake I made

    by Cristina » Mon Feb 08, 2016 2:56 am

    This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.
    Forum Moderator.
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