Hello everyone,
I just launched my first campaign yesterday. FLAT PACK FRAME.
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/st ... ory_newestWe had a great Day One but I wanted to share with you
one little mistake I made that I have learnt for next time.
When I look at my
Referrers in the Creator Dashboard, 68% are from External referrers and 32% from the Kickstarter platform. I believe this has negatively affected my rank in the popularity algorithm as Kickstarter see this as family, friends & media (which I had worked so hard to get), rather than the Kickstarter community interested in my product.
If I had my time again, I would get my pre-organised backers to:
1. Go to the kickstarter homepage.
2. Click Design -> Newest.
3. Click my project and back it using this process.
Instead of...
Emailing them the direct link / Posting link to Facebook.
Anyway, family & friends are done and now genuine Kickstarters are starting to back us. Yay!
You could also try giving them the link with ?ref+category-newsest to make it seem like the backer is from Kickstarter.
Hope this helps. I'm all for giving.
Please take a look at my project too. It's an innovative new magnetic picture frame with a really smart self levelling mounting system.
I'd be happy to return any support.