5 things I wish I knew before starting
  • dspell
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    5 things I wish I knew before starting

    by dspell » Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:55 pm

    Kickstarter can be a wonderful way to raise capital that start-ups need to get cash to launch their product or service. It is not however easy or free money. Here are five things you should know before you start a kickstarter.

    1) Perks are the bottom line.
    Most of the funding for a kickstarter campaign comes from the founder’s personal network or from the companies existing following. If you don’t have a large network or following then it is essential to have perks that will incent strangers to give, and a t-shirt will not cut it.
    2) Have a short to the point video.
    No one has the attention span to sit through a 10-minute video. The most highly funded projects have videos less than 4 minutes.
    3) At any given time there are 8000 kickstarter projects running.
    Don’t count on being featured prominently on the Kickstarter, site or being the staff pick of the day, because chances are your project will go on the pile with all the rest.
    4) Promote. Promote. Promote.
    You have to be your own promotional engine. Use social media, blogging, traditional print and online media, anything to get the word about your project. Consider this your full time job during the span of the kickstarter.
    5) Indicate for people to share on social.
    Most people are oblivious to the like or share buttons on the kickstarter site. Sharing through social media and getting the word out to strangers can make or break your campaign. Click here to see an example of landing photo with a subtle pointer for people to share on social http://kck.st/1bOIIJ2 .

    Some interesting tools exist now to estimate if your kickstarter will make its goal.
    http://www.kicktraq.com and http://canhekick.it. Simply cut and paste the URL to your kickstarter and the tools will give you the probably for full funding. Good luck with your kickstarter!

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