5 Reasons Why Guest Posting is Great Marketing
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    5 Reasons Why Guest Posting is Great Marketing

    by sbriggman » Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:13 am

    If you are new to this blog and are running or thinking of running a crowdfunding campaign, check out our other websites, KickstarterForum and CrowdfundingPr for free resources and support.

    What is Guest Posting?
    Guest posting is when you contact a blog owner and pitch an article idea for their website. For example, if you are a musician, you might contact a music blog and say, “I’ve got this great idea for an article. I’ve learned a lot since starting out as a musician a few years ago, and I’d like to pass on some social media tips to your audience.” You would then include an outline of the article and links to other articles you have written.

    For bloggers, this is a great way to obtain free content and it also raises the blogger’s credibility in the eyes of their audience. If people are willing to guest post on your blog, it improves rapport with new readers because it provides social proof that your website is “important”. The main concern that bloggers have is that the content be high quality and relevant.

    For the person writing the guest article, this is a great way to access the blogger’s audience. Normally, there is a short link or bio at the top of the post that links to your website or product. In addition, every blogger will usually promote each article, driving traffic to your content. It’s reasonable to expect anywhere from 0.5-5% of the traffic will check out your linked website (the percentage will depend on the content, promotional efforts, and the blog).

    Read more: http://www.crowdcrux.com/5-reasons-why- ... -campaign/

    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.

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