5 Creators Share Lessons Learned From Running a Campaign
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    5 Creators Share Lessons Learned From Running a Campaign

    by sbriggman » Wed Oct 23, 2013 9:53 pm

    Read the full article here: http://www.crowdcrux.com/kickstarter-cr ... -campaign/

    Leather Dice Bags raised over $7,000 on Kickstarter.

    Listen to your Backers. Respond in a timely manner, with real information. If it would bother you as a Backer, don’t do it. Still not sure? Ask your Backers. Don’t say something unless you really mean it. Nothing bothers me more than when a project creator goes back on something they’ve said. If you aren’t sure, tell your Backers that. Better to be honest and upfront than disappointing later on.

    You can see exactly what order your Backers appear in; you could offer reward fulfillment in a first come, first serve basis. I didn’t realize that before I started. – See the full interview here.

    The Carpenter Collection Has Raised over $39,000 and is still going.

    The number 1 message I have to share is this: You will not relax during your campaign – because when you do, it means less traffic.

    When I’m out at a bar seeing a friend, or buying groceries, or relaxing to a movie – I can’t sit still long because the only thing running through my head is “right now – by not publicizing your project – you are lessening your funding potential”

    I have been glued to my computer and phone for the past 2 weeks and expect to do the same for the rest of the campaign. There are always more blogs, writers, boards, etc. to pursue for press – all of that on top of working on the actual projects rewards themself.

    Heres one thing thats awesome. All of our manufacturing, supply chain, packager, etc. are now taking us 100% seriously. Not to say they didn’t before, but previously things went a bit slower as all i would have was a “theoretical potential” to present to them. – This campaign is still raising money!

    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.

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