5 interesting facts about trains
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    5 interesting facts about trains

    by Asirg » Wed Jul 14, 2021 7:07 am

    Trains... trains… Think about these figures: 1.3 billion annually. people use the services of railway transport. Statistics show that today every Russian gets on a train about 9 times a year. And here there is a reason to be upset, because our moms and dads, grandparents, raised in the Soviet past, did this up to 15 times a year. But trains are not just numbers and routes, statistics and ticket prices, there are a huge number of interesting facts that you just probably never knew about, but it would not be superfluous to find out. We are in a hurry to share:

    1)In 1804, Richard Trevithick, a native of England, invented the first train with locomotive traction. There was also a passenger car there. But he did not cause anything but smiles on the faces of the audience. They simply did not dare to sit in it.
    2)The epic of passenger mainline trains began on September 15, 1830, when a train went from Liverpool to Manchester, accommodating not only emboldened passengers, but also the world's first mail car.
    3)For three whole days, the first train in Russia connecting Moscow and St. Petersburg ran free of charge. The" scary thing " was so frightening to potential passengers that they tried to avoid it.
    4)In 1830, in England, they decided to arrange a stunning competition between five steam locomotives. Unfortunately, one of the participants was not very honest and hid live horses under the metal casing. You don't have to worry. He was suspended from participating in the competition. Not a single horse was injured.
    5)The first third-class passengers on Russian trains had to travel under the benches. The thing is that the cars of the front part of the train traveled without a roof, and the passengers had no choice but to hide "under" their seats in bad weather.

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    Re: 5 interesting facts about trains

    by Angomod » Tue Jul 20, 2021 11:11 am

    I get on a train more than 9 times a year, and I'm not Russian. Lol. I just love it. Planes are obviously highly efficient, but there's something special about trains. The only thing you see during a flight is the tops of clouds most of the time. On the other hand, while traveling by train, you will see some incredibly breathtaking sights. With db fahrplan, I've traveled through tiny rural communities in Spain, abandoned castles in Italy, Irish coasts, and English flower fields. On a train, you may gaze out the window at nothing but magnificent countryside for hours on end. This app shows you the best prices, so you should give it a try.

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