This project was started by VIP forum member
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I backed it because I think it's a pretty timely story for Halloween, which is coming up in a few weeks! It has killer artwork and also looks like a very nice PDF layout.
Halloween Chronicles: How The Magic All StartedIn his backyard playing with his puppy on October 31st, a kid vanishes! The ensuing saga, featuring Gnome, Tooth Fairy, Candy-Andy, Pixie, Kuukua, Emong and an army of shape-shifting cranky creatures, is a classic struggle of evil versus good, trick or treat. Can Jeremy beat back bullies, and return to our realm with the recipe for making candy? Or will Happy Halloween be hidden from humans for ever? Sign up to find out how the very first Trick-or-Treat unfolds!
$10.00 Goal! We have a goal of $10, per person who only wants the PDF (e-book) version of this magical fairy tale, but doesn't care to have the print version.
$4,500 Goal! If we raise $4,500, we will print the Halloween Chronicles Standard Edition, a magical prose version with 10 color illustrations (see a bit further below for sample pages).
$7,500 Goal! If we raise $7,500 in cumulative pledges, we will print the Kickstarter Exclusive Collector's Edition, an enchanting poetry version (see below for sample pages).
About the AuthorDaughter of an award-winning children's author, and a voracious reader of literary classics, Christine really does have a sweet-tooth nephew named for the kid whisked away into Pixieland! She lovingly read to her then three tots at bedtime, magical stories. Ananse Folklore, Aesop’s Fables, Grimm's, and Anderson’s Fairy Tales, Alice in Wonderland, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Aladdin, Gulliver's Travels, A Christmas Carol, A Mid-Summer Night's Dream, and more. On weekends away from work at a Special Needs Boarding School in the UK, Christine can be found writing poetry in her overgrown English gardens, where the pixies, brownies, elves, and other faerie folk do their best to distract her. "This is the fairy tale I would have written for, and read to, my kids at bedtime if I wasn't too busy raising them to write!" --- Christine