Just Curious...What Would You Back?
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    Re: Just Curious...What Would You Back?

    by diynf » Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:12 am

    Thank you RICSB, I agree that if everyone donated a dollar, we could truly have an impact. Its why I enjoy the fact that sites like Indiegogo and Kickstarter have developed. It provides people, any person, the opportunity to crowdfund and also help others. Its good.

    @jmeshe, That is good that you back your friends. I´ve come across a person or two whose family did not even support them, which is big. That´s very nice of you to support the campaigns that resonate with you, such as with the mugs. Mug Life! Lol. best of luck to you.

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    Re: Just Curious...What Would You Back?

    by jdbelsterling » Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:23 am

    Usually I only back, or feel compelled to back, projects that are a friends or projects that resonate strongly with me, and have a message or product that I believe needs to be shared. This is especially true for films, art, and music.
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    Re: Just Curious...What Would You Back?

    by Dave's Meat & Nuts » Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:40 am

    I back all sorts of projects but I tend to lean towards the things I'm passionate about. Food, tech, writing
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    Re: Just Curious...What Would You Back?

    by wolffepack » Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:37 pm

    Backing one particular project in a sea of ideas does mean that it has to connect to you emotionally because without the emotion there is no motivation. It's true for so many situations in life and for Kickstarter. I used to work in TV and a successful TV format had to have 3 ingredients: Relatable (that could be me), Gettable (I understand the idea quickly), Fresh (I haven't seen it before). The same applies to hot product ideas.
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    Re: Just Curious...What Would You Back?

    by bsenftner » Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:18 pm

    @wolffepack your three ingredients are gems. Easy to remember and practically obvious when stated outright like that.

    I think my Kickstarter campaign fails the "gettable" criteria for most people. I'm somewhat surprised by how people don't seem to "get" the value of my project the Kickstarter is for. Granted, it is a completely new technology, and it does take a few beats to realize the full ramifications of what one can do with it.

    My company provides an automated 3D Reconstruction technology that given a single good quality photo of a person's face, a lip syncing, performance ready 3D Avatar is created looking just like the person in the photo. I'm currently marketing it as a game technology and my Kickstarter campaign is to further develop a consumer entertainment version where anyone can create performing 3D Avatars in their web browser. It's quite fun to create performing 3D Avatars, and it also teaches one how to be a 3D animator or a 3D developer if the interest to dive deeper develops.

    I've contracted a PR firm to see if I can get any journalists interested in writing about my project. We'll see if that does anything...

    My Kickstarter campaign is here: http://kck.st/10Pn4pQ if your interesting in seeing the presentation.
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    Re: Just Curious...What Would You Back?

    by tealnewcomb » Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:04 pm

    I think I'd be open to back quite a variety of projects, but more than anything I think I gravitate towards artists like myself, people who have creative ideas but struggle to find the time and money to put them together. Art books, print sets, sculptures and figurines, etc. I can empathize with having too many ideas and not enough money to get them going :)

    Really cool green technology is another favorite, it's new and people are so innovative, sometimes it blows me away.
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    Re: Just Curious...What Would You Back?

    by 27Notch » Wed Oct 15, 2014 6:57 pm

    I would definitely keep an open mind and back a lot of different, unique projects. I have tended to go for things related to technology, but I also love a good, creative project that's not tech :)
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    Re: Just Curious...What Would You Back?

    by tristannyc » Thu Oct 16, 2014 2:52 am

    I backed an eco friendly umbrella once. That was a huge mistake because it broke upon arrival and the company wasn't into refunds or replacements. I ended up finally getting refunded after 3 months of constant emails and bad yelp reviews. Argg was a good idea too! The umbrella that could take the ind of NYC but not break. Yet it couldn't open..
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    Re: Just Curious...What Would You Back?

    by La Salita Cafe » Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:21 pm

    Hi all,

      Feeling inspired to back a project with a great cause?
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      Want to help someone out?

    Check out the new thread I just posted: "Scratch my back & I will scratch yours". I hope it appeals to you :) Let's help each other out 8-)
    La Salita Café, a movement to empower Puerto Rico's local artists and support local agriculture!
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    Re: Just Curious...What Would You Back?

    by hogeandco » Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:31 pm

    I'd back something that evokes emotion. Especially if it's a film. I came across an older Indiegogo that was to get a homeless man off the street. It had to be one of the most emotionally invoking campaigns I've seen. Plus the pledge tiers were diverse and very well thought out.

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