BumptoBaby wrote: All in all, if it's a great product that I could use I would back it, I haven't backed people just to show support, though I am sure this will change because now I know how much people put into a project first hand!
Hey there BumptoBaby,
I agree with you here. Working on this Kickstarter campaign, I´ve realized the incredible amount of work, time, and energy that goes into launching a campaign. And it´s not just a process that begins and ends, its ongoing. There´s pre-launch work, launch day work, work after launch day, and then work after you even get successfully funded. The hard work of course pays off however. I must say that I am glad I am going through this project as it has taught me the value of hard work with regards to crowdfunding. Because of that, I´m sure to support people more, be it through sharing or what have you.