I just backed "TiTweezers," now at $25k+
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    I just backed "TiTweezers," now at $25k+

    by sbriggman » Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:54 pm

    I just backed TiTweezers *NEW* ...World's First Titanium Tweezers Designed For Every-Day Use. Not Only The SAFEST, But Your Friends Will Envy You ...GUARANTEED!

    Pretty crazy that the project has already managed to attract 316 backers. Just looking through the comments section, it's cool to see how people are excited about the project. Also, Magnus takes an interesting "infomercial" style approach to the campaign.

    Commenter: "I, in the beginning, was also not a fan of Magnus' infomercial bombardment. But, the emails are quite entertaining, and I have bought his stuff from KS and Cogent, so I guess the emails work.:)"

    Screen Shot 2014-10-29 at 2.51.06 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2014-10-29 at 2.51.06 PM.png (486.49 KiB) Viewed 2220 times


    Dear Backer,

    If you want the ultimate high-end, fully-titanium and made-for-life tweezers ...then you’ve just found them!

    Before I reveal to you what I believe are the world’s greatest tweezers...

    I have a confession:

    A few months ago I launched a limited-run of hand-made titanium tweezers on my website exclusively to previous customers and raving fans...

    You should have seen it – I was almost IN SHOCK -- as my website received hundreds of hits in a matter of minutes as I revealed these titanium tweezers.

    My website server was blowing up! It was total carnage.

    It was essentially an online “stampede” to get access to these titanium tweezers.

    And it got worse...

    Even though my website was completely crashing with the flood of buyers trying to get their titanium tweezers ...they all sold out in 1 minute and 15 seconds! And it was at that point I realised...

    And the great news for you is...

    These are the very same titanium tweezers I’m making available to you right now.

    But is gets better...

    The titanium tweezers I am about to reveal to you are even better than the original sets I produced. And this is because I’ve had lots of feedback and made many improvements on the original design.

    But I’m jumping ahead, let’s just take a look at what I believe are the world’s greatest tweezers – the TiTweezers™:

    You can read more here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/co ... itanium-tw

    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
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    Re: I just backed "TiTweezers," now at $25k+

    by Magnus » Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:06 am

    Thanks Salvador.

    Yes, had a few comments about the "style" of my campaigns - which I think is neither good nor bad. :)

    Also, it's not really too crazy in terms of the number of Backers and funding level this early on. For the most part it's quite predictable (particularly in the niche I'm in).
    Read: Confessions of a Serial Crowdfunder Thread.

    Titanium Pen *LIVE* On Kickstarter Right Now --> Click Here.
  • theskeletonhand
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    Re: I just backed "TiTweezers," now at $25k+

    by theskeletonhand » Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:36 pm

    Well played with the name haha! I can't exactttly say why it would attract people :P
  • Curionic
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    Re: I just backed "TiTweezers," now at $25k+

    by Curionic » Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:54 am

    Man I would love to have a pair of these! going to back now!
  • Rodyo
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    Re: I just backed "TiTweezers," now at $25k+

    by Rodyo » Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:25 pm

    i like the title, I wonder how you would name Titanium tracks

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