I'd like to discuss this amazing project that I backed and had the opportunity to consult on last month called
Hey Joe Coffee. Basically, it's a portable coffee maker that also has cool coffee pods that can be planted in the ground after use (flowers grow)
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I had been consulting with Jordan for a while leading up the the campaign (hourly) and then did some of his PR via CrowdfundingPR (Aside from our syndication and social media services, we do not claim responsibility for his success, Jordan worked super hard during the fundraising).
I remember we both thought that the campaign had a high potential, but I don't think either of us expected it to do so well, raising 5x it's initial fundraising goal.
Now, Jordan is doing reward fulfillment and I'm planning as having him as an interview on CrowdCrux in the future to talk about his experience raising money.
I just want everyone to know that it's possible for you to know little about Kickstarter initially and still be successful in the long-term. You can learn what it takes to be successful, work hard, and be a six-figure success like Jordan.
Look forward to watching the updates on the campaign.