Hey Joe Coffee (Which raised $109,000)
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    Hey Joe Coffee (Which raised $109,000)

    by sbriggman » Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:12 pm

    I'd like to discuss this amazing project that I backed and had the opportunity to consult on last month called Hey Joe Coffee. Basically, it's a portable coffee maker that also has cool coffee pods that can be planted in the ground after use (flowers grow)

    Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 2.06.06 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 2.06.06 PM.png (147.71 KiB) Viewed 4188 times

    I had been consulting with Jordan for a while leading up the the campaign (hourly) and then did some of his PR via CrowdfundingPR (Aside from our syndication and social media services, we do not claim responsibility for his success, Jordan worked super hard during the fundraising).

    I remember we both thought that the campaign had a high potential, but I don't think either of us expected it to do so well, raising 5x it's initial fundraising goal.

    Now, Jordan is doing reward fulfillment and I'm planning as having him as an interview on CrowdCrux in the future to talk about his experience raising money.

    I just want everyone to know that it's possible for you to know little about Kickstarter initially and still be successful in the long-term. You can learn what it takes to be successful, work hard, and be a six-figure success like Jordan.

    Look forward to watching the updates on the campaign.

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    Re: Hey Joe Coffee (Which raised $109,000)

    by Charles » Tue Aug 19, 2014 7:27 pm

    I don't drink coffee,

    That confession out of the way (I drink Pepsi, instead), I think that what people have to keep in mind, when reading articles and tips from other people about what they feel made their Kickstarter campaigns successful is that, even assuming that the Kickstarter creator has actually distilled their project down to its successful component parts, there remains a matter of alchemy that has to be accounted for.

    No two Kickstarter campaigns will be exactly identical, I don't think. Even if they were, their respective project pages may not be visited by - and interacted with - the exact, same people.

    Much of what successful Kickstarter campaigns have in common tends to boil down to common sense, once you have the benefit of hindsight looking back, after a project ends.

    Like medicine that people take, your project might require a different dosage, to achieve success. Sometimes, it isn't the ingredients that the creator puts in to the project that transforms lead into gold.
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    Re: Hey Joe Coffee (Which raised $109,000)

    by AleishaGore » Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:31 pm

    It's certainly a great idea. But, I get so lost and confused when it comes to creating my own campaign.

    Things I've backed: music, a fun webseries which has both cosplay and musical numbers, film, things that make a difference.

    Here you have something that some people think is yummy, coffee, mixed with the pleasure of doing something, planting a seed to grow a tree. A CD I bought once also had seeds and a cardboard planter built into the case, so yes, that sounds fun.

    But then, you have a guy who posts about potato salad. Why did that work? I don't get it.

    It's just confusing. I don't know what people are thinking and it's driving me a bit batty trying to figure out what they want.
    Aleisha Gore
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    Re: Hey Joe Coffee (Which raised $109,000)

    by sbriggman » Fri Aug 22, 2014 11:42 pm

    Well I think the potato salad campaign was more about the humor and it was kind of a fluke. Be sure to share some of the links/titles in new posts on this section :). Trying to bring awareness to ongoing projects that members of the forum have decided to support.
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
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    Re: Hey Joe Coffee (Which raised $109,000)

    by AleishaGore » Fri Aug 22, 2014 11:52 pm

    Sure. :) The ones I funded on Kickstarter were already successful and over but I'll look just to make sure and if not, I'll post the links here. I think you'll like them.

    Yeah it's successful: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ma ... he-musical
    But the video is still up and you can see what they did. Very clever.

    This one was also successful. I shared it at the time because I didn't have $ to contribute, but also looked very fun. It's now actually out there as a successful stage play just as they wanted. :)
    https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/wait ... ew-musical
    Aleisha Gore
    Writer, Director, Producer, Chocolate is Not Better than Sex
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  • myplayground
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    Re: Hey Joe Coffee (Which raised $109,000)

    by myplayground » Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:02 pm

  • Dev Gaudaur
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    Re: Hey Joe Coffee (Which raised $109,000)

    by Dev Gaudaur » Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:45 pm

    Amazing :)
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    Re: Hey Joe Coffee (Which raised $109,000)

    by nikita1989 » Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:57 am

    I like it ....
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    Re: Hey Joe Coffee (Which raised $109,000)

    by jdbelsterling » Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:19 am

    Just touching on what others have alluded to, I think people are definitely more likely to back campaigns that have already or that seem like they will succeed. Group mentality thing.
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    Re: Hey Joe Coffee (Which raised $109,000)

    by nikita1989 » Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:13 am

    Does someone knows a resseler ? I have a great product and I'M looking for one of them : http://emospark.com/

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