I just backed this project on Kickstarter:
Original Music Workshop Start Up Funds!
"OMW, a Brooklyn-based nonprofit, provides state of the art facilities and support to a wide range of composers, musicians, and artists."
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It kind of makes me think of an incubator/coworking space for artists. There are coworking spaces for startups (I am a part of one in Greenpoint, Brooklyn), why shouldn't there be the same types of spaces for artists?
I haven't done it much before, but now I'm becoming more interested in backing local projects because it can have a say on how the community develops over time. True, we all pay taxes which technically goes to "local projects." I wish we could vote on tax projects by having a Kickstarter for the funds we've already given to the state or local district and then allocate those funds via the web rather than having them decide.
Anyway, I don't expect the project to be successful based on their current progress, but I shared it on my social networks and hope we can bring some more awareness to local initiatives on Kickstarter. In addition, how cool is it that you can actually meet the creators of the project in person after it is over?