Hey, I was thinking people could post possible trade-offs here. Offer free rewards to people who get you backers. The way I see it working is the person with the project makes an offer of something free for a certain amount of pledges or pledge amount generated by a person. This way people who like a project but can't really afford to back it or who just want some free swag can get it. So if you see a project you like on here and you know you have friends who would like it, you can tell them about it and if they back it you can get free stuff. Just get them to message the project creator to let them know you sent them to the project, or message the project creator on here telling them the usernames of the people you got to back the project, as the backer list only updates every 10 people you'd have to know there username as it wouldn't show there and if it was visible there already the project creator could just message the backer directly to verify. So now that I've explained it here is my offer:
4 For Me Equals 1 For...Ye.If you like my t-shirts from my project
Jet-Packs Save Lives and have some friends you think would also like them, then if you get 4 of them to back my project for a t-shirt* I'll send you a tee for free. Just get them to message me on kickstarter that you sent them to my project or you can pm message me here with the kickstarter usernames of the backers you sent to my project.
*Backers must back at the t-shirt pledge level, no less, also any combination that equals 4 t-shirts gets you a shirt i.e. 1 backer who pledges for 4 shirts or 2 who pledge for 2 shirts etc.