I just launched my Kickstarter on Friday... As I've read, (after the fact) this is not the optimal time to launch. Nonetheless, I've received a few private emails requesting cross funding. This is the exact email:
"Hello fellow fundraiser,
Lets work together to get both of our projects funded.
The Kickstarter Page Rank Algorithm is based on the number of backers,
number of shares, and the number of comments. To increase our visibility we have to increase those numbers. I was wondering if I funded your project for a $5 and left a positive comment on your Kickstarter, if you do the same on my mine?"
I'm wondering if these people bought a package marketing gimmick from someone or what?
Does this work?
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/invisibleterror/under-surveillance-a-psychological-thriller-for-teThanks for your time!