Kickstarter Panic and the Mid-Campaign Slump
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    Kickstarter Panic and the Mid-Campaign Slump

    by DOG BUTTON » Tue Jun 24, 2014 6:46 pm

    Hey all,

    Before launching the Kickstarter campaign for our debut feature film, BitterSuite, I posted on this forum for feedback and advice - it was extremely helpful (what with this being my first ever Kickstarter), and put us in a good position to launch.

    And what a launch! We came out of the gates super hard, and even got a Kickstarter Staff Pick within the first 12 hours of our campaign...

    ...but then the slump hit.

    Whilst we still have 20 days to go, if we continue at the rate we've been going after our initial rush there is simply NO WAY we're going to meet our target - this is seriously affecting my stress levels, and I'm getting more and more anxious with each passing day.

    Please have a look at our campaign and let me know if there's anything you'd recommend us doing to combat this slump - we've got pretty good video completion rating (45%ish) and a pretty good conversion rate (about 10%), so I'm at a bit of a loss of what to do!

    Thanks in advance people, Im counting on you to save me!


    (PS. The thread title sounds like a band name, no?!)

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    Re: Kickstarter Panic and the Mid-Campaign Slump

    by DOG BUTTON » Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:10 am

    Argh, I'm really starting to panic here people - this film is the culmination of several years work, and everything really has been building up to this crowd funding campaign... If someone has some advice I'd really appreciate it, as this is seriously affecting my stress levels!
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    Re: Kickstarter Panic and the Mid-Campaign Slump

    by sbriggman » Wed Jun 25, 2014 7:49 pm

    What some other users on the forum have said about the slump:

    I researched and found that there tends to be a big initial rush and a big push at the end, but that the middle tends to be a classic slump - I tried to do the most of my advertising for the middle slump to help push me through. Also keep upbeat and positive about everything, even if you're an utter wreck. Spin things in a positive light, and don't ever post those "Oh my god I'm freaking out please give me money :[ !" threads. You have to appear confident and optimistic, even if you are not.
    Read more here: post8414.html?hilit=slump#p8414

    We're nearly through emailing everyone on our list, one at a time. And it HAS made a difference! We've gotten almost $2000 in the last couple days from direct emails. Definitely don't underestimate the personal ask.
    Read more here: post7103.html?hilit=slump#p7103

    Hit a slump in backers today, but I guess that's to be expected. Gonna try to release an update video this week which will hopefully start driving traffic again.
    Read more here: post5216.html?hilit=slump#p5216

    The slump is a horrible thing. I think I am going to do a live event during the doldrums of my next campaign....and every one in the future. I think for all creatives having some kind of BANG when you reach the bottom of the U is vital.
    Read more here: post4706.html?hilit=slump#p4706
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
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    Re: Kickstarter Panic and the Mid-Campaign Slump

    by LarsMasterCBS » Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:02 pm

    I will try and ease your stress a little bit and just say, it is common. Here is the reference for academic literature explaining it:

    Bayus, B. L., Kuppuswamy, V. (2014): “Crowdfunding Creative Ideas: The Dynamics Of Project Backers In Kickstarter”

    If you started out strong and gain a strong momentum you are following the "normal" pattern for many campaigns. If you want to try and get out of the stale period, try and release some sort of content update, scenes from your move or something similar. E-mailing your followers or similar activities is likely to increase your funding for the remaining period, and it will likely go up towards the end of your project - (if you/other members of your crew have any funding that is withheld it might be smart to put it in near the end). People are more likely to fund you when you are close to your goal

    TL:DR : Funding is U-shaped - higher towards the start and the end (of course this is just over statistically proven)
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    Re: Kickstarter Panic and the Mid-Campaign Slump

    by TheGOODKyle » Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:40 pm

    Breath dammit! Breath!
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    Re: Kickstarter Panic and the Mid-Campaign Slump

    by pris » Sat Jul 19, 2014 6:39 pm

    Hello, I know your campaign is over and that is was successfully funded but can you please share with us what you did to make it successful after all? I am sure this type of situation happen to a lot of people so your answer will be very helpful.


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    Re: Kickstarter Panic and the Mid-Campaign Slump

    by SalvagedStudio » Sat Jul 26, 2014 11:21 am

    I would totally go see Kickstarter Panic and the Mid-Campaign Slump LOL!

    Congrats on breaking out of that slump and succeeding with your campaign. My project is down to the last 7 days and I was planning on taking the time to do another round of individual emails - glad to hear that was an effective tool.
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    Re: Kickstarter Panic and the Mid-Campaign Slump

    by KodiBag » Wed Aug 06, 2014 4:01 am

    Always so relieved to see threads about the KS slump!! Such a roller coaster! I agree about personal emails and sharing. My campaign has also thrived on that so far. I keep my emails light and fun. Most people respond positively even if they only like and share on FB. Hey, I'll take that!
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    Re: Kickstarter Panic and the Mid-Campaign Slump

    by ILoveGamess » Wed Aug 06, 2014 2:02 pm

    Gratz for getting funded! :lol:
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    Re: Kickstarter Panic and the Mid-Campaign Slump

    by piggy » Thu Aug 07, 2014 5:48 pm

    was reading this then found out your project was successfully funded. Never mind~

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