Is it best to contact newspapers etc. before or after launch
  • TheMusicVan
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    Is it best to contact newspapers etc. before or after launch

    by TheMusicVan » Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:00 pm

    We are launching our music project on Kickstarter on the 5th October. At the moment we are keeping the actual project a secret, and all will be revealed one day before launch... but we are second guessing this decision we've made!!

    Can anyone suggest whether it is best to send out press releases to targeted newspapers and media outlets before launch (obviously we would have to go back on the decision to keep it secret for this option), or once the project has had a good amount of backing to suggest it is something to get excited about?

    Any thoughts greatly appreciated!

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    Re: Is it best to contact newspapers etc. before or after la

    by Jonathan08 » Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:19 pm

    Have you been reading this forum?? lol. That's exactly what you don't want to do apparently. I think the general timeframe is to start contacting blogs and press about a few months before launch, then maybe hit them up again to write their stories just a few days before your launch, you don't want them writing about you and then have people click a link that isn't live yet.
  • ahoward
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    Re: Is it best to contact newspapers etc. before or after la

    by ahoward » Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:28 pm

    Hi there, there isn't one cookie cutter answer. It depends what your campaign is promoting. Is it somehow related to a timely event? I saw a campaign to help the Syrian refugees. Very timely, therefore it got a lot of coverage before its launch. It is very trendy? Can it be experienced without holding it in your hands? Or viewing it in your own eyes?
    Will it be crazy innovative? If it going to break new ground and you are quite certain of the technology behind it, by all means, contact the press ahead of the launch.
    Well that's my two cents.
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    Re: Is it best to contact newspapers etc. before or after la

    by TheMusicVan » Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:00 pm

    Thanks for the feedback. The whole not having a link there to click on is whats stopped us from contacting the press before as they don't tend to do follow up stories if they've already published (from my experience anyway). But I can see why giving them a heads up as to whats coming may help!

    it's not exactly timely, but we see it as something everyone would love to be involved in... Thanks for the advice!
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    Re: Is it best to contact newspapers etc. before or after la

    by ahoward » Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:15 pm

    You definitely need a live website. Now be careful with thinking that "everyone" would like to be involved. It's just not so.. Find your niche and go after it. :-)
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    Re: Is it best to contact newspapers etc. before or after la

    by asum » Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:50 am

    Hi, I'm looking for a clear answer to this too. I want to know if it would be a mistake to contact them for the pitch* 1-2 weeks before launch (like, if they actually clicked and looked, and might be like 'this isnt even live yet'). Or if pitching at the start of your project is a mistake since they generally already have planned their next two weeks of posts. Or if pitching at the start might be bad when you haven't had quite enough pledges. I read about the other posts about other tips, but I haven't found a clear answer on this.

    pitch* -- I mean actual pitch, not just reaching out.

    I would love to hear from expert @sbriggman please :D

    There's a few I feel like I could/should contact earlier (mainly because I believe the will respond from earlier interactions). But many/most others, and also the bigger outlets, I'm not sure when is the best time.

    thanks, angela
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    Re: Is it best to contact newspapers etc. before or after la

    by Vanessa » Tue Mar 22, 2016 9:18 am

    Hi Angela, the clear answer to press release timing is when the campaign is funded at least 30%
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    Re: Is it best to contact newspapers etc. before or after la

    by asum » Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:55 pm

    Thanks Vanessa.. I never heard that before. It wouldn't be possibly too late then? Cause they might have the next two weeks posts already planned and you might be at the end of your funding period?

    Could one do just before and also again at 30%? Changing the focus slightly: before would be more on the story and the project, and then at 30% a follow up with some reveal of success?

    thx, angela
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    Re: Is it best to contact newspapers etc. before or after la

    by sbriggman » Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:27 pm

    At the moment we are keeping the actual project a secret, and all will be revealed one day before launch... but we are second guessing this decision we've made!!

    Do NOT keep your project a secret, unless you have an existing large fanbase who is all hyped up and waiting to see what it is. If there's one consistent bit of feedback I've gotten from the 50+ creators I've had on my podcast, it's that they wish they made they work more public leading up to the launch of their campaign.

    The goal is to establish trust and rapport with your fanbase and others online leading up to the launch. You can do this by showcasing bits of the project, giving people a sneak peak, etc. You want to build anticipation before you actually announce the campaign AND you want to address objections that you're going to be getting, like how do I pledge, why does this matter, etc.

    Can anyone suggest whether it is best to send out press releases to targeted newspapers and media outlets before launch (obviously we would have to go back on the decision to keep it secret for this option), or once the project has had a good amount of backing to suggest it is something to get excited about?

    I would first start establishing individual relationships with journalists at the outlets you're targeting before you launch. This way, if you capture interest, you'll have someone on your side fighting for your story or who knows the value of it and you'll stand out from the crowd. Also, it's an individual who writes the story. If it's a big publication, they'll naturally have to write about the trends and things that are blowing up that the editor notices, but it's not true of smaller news. The press release is just a formalized way to introduce your story and expand upon it.

    If there is some kind of special announcement that you can make to build anticipation about this launch, I'd do one before. However, if it's just that you're going to be launching a Kickstarter campaign, then I'd focus on spending your time building relationships with individuals before launch.

    Cause they might have the next two weeks posts already planned and you might be at the end of your funding period?

    It's true, there is an editorial calendar, which is why I'd recommend focusing more on relationship building leading up to the launch rather than just blasting out press releases that don't have a real newsworthy announcement. I mean, you can do it, but it's less in your control if it's picked up.

    30% a follow up with some reveal of success?

    I would also recommend waiting for the second or third day before sending it out once you've hit 30% because it shows social proof for the campaign. Nothing worse than coming on day 1 and seeing 0 dollars pledged. Although it's not an indication of the actual merit of the project, for people who are SO BUSY, they look for "short cuts" or signs as to whether or not to learn more.

    Haha, this might be a silly example, but this also applies to dating. As a female, if you see someone alone, not dressed well, or appearing not confident, you make a quick judgement about who they are as a person and their value. If you see someone having fun with friends, dressed well, and appearing confident, you'll be more likely to respond positively to them if they approach you.

    The same is true with marketing and crowdfunding. We use "short cuts" to assign value to news items, pitches, and asks of us. One short cut is social proof. Are other people taking notice? Have any other media outlets said it's good? Another is reciprocation - if someone does something for me or establishes a positive relationship beforehand, we're (meaning the journalist) more likely to assign value to what they're doing and take a second to check it out.
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  • asum
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    Re: Is it best to contact newspapers etc. before or after la

    by asum » Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:51 pm

    thanks I appreciate your response.
    From some other journalist friends they did suggest me to do it before or near the start of the launch. (one said they wouldn't want to cover something that is no longer new--and by the time they post it that'd be the case). I might do a bit of both. But I'm seeing there's no exact answer to this.

    The relationship building is very true and I have been trying except in my area its a lot lot harder.

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