Just a quick note to say all comments good or bad welcome!
Yesterday's meeting with Greg Carslaw was fabulous and full of insights and tips:-
Greg is a games designer and his latest game 404 Law Not Found was successfully funded on Kickstarter last year.
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/82 ... =discoveryAs promised here is a few of his thoughts. Bit all over the place, but that was the nature of the discussion.
StatisticsDidn't write down exact statistics, but the key message was that Kickstarter backers want to back successful projects, and if you haven't got 40% of your goal in the first week, then the probability is that your project will fail - and potential backers shy away!
Kickstarter EditorIs awful! So be prepared for that - make headlines a pictorial banner to overcome the lack or originality afforded by the editor.
WordsBrevity is important - don't use 5 words when 1 will do! use images and video rather than words - lots of headings and sub-heads.
RewardsMake the rewards universal - we were getting a bit too technical with our rewards - by making them open to all we have a better chance of success.
Frequently asked questionsThese can't be added until the project is live - but having a FAQ section gives credibility - so have them written and get cutting and pasting as soon as you launch.
IconsFrequent backers like other people to back and change their User Icon to the project they have just backed - have some icons ready-made for that purpose.
UpdatesKeep in touch with your pledgers - update once or twice on the first day, then every 3-4 days, updates can be written in advance
Stretch Goals Mistake that Greg made was updating once stretch goals had been reached, he recommends that you update just before the stretch goals to get people to push the project - and make stretch goals benefit all backers, not just new backers.
PricingWe are in the UK and obviously price our project in £££s, however Greg will add to future projects a rough estimate in dollars & euros - saves overseas backers searching for the on-line currency convertor.
Attention SpanYou are excited by the project - but potential backers have a short attention span - craft the first image and the project title & the first sentence - because if you don't hook them they are gone.
TimingTry to end the project near the end of the month - after payday so that you can get that last surge.
VideoTest your Video - Greg speaks fast and feedback was that no-one outside of England could understand a word he said, they needed to re-shoot !
Anyway that's enough to be going on with - there were other tips that were more specific to our project and once again I thank Greg for his support and will publicise his next Kickstarter project when it goes live in August!